About Toronto Poetry Project
The Toronto Poetry Project (TPP) features some of the most talented spoken word artists in Canada with a goal of inspiring the next generation of spoken word poets. Founded in 2005, the Toronto Poetry Slam (TPS) became Toronto’s preeminent slam which increases the artistic capital of our city and ensures our audiences are consistently exposed to the top tier of poets from across the globe. TPP creates opportunities for emerging spoken word poets in our community to improve their creative output and develop skills to apply to a potential career as a professional artist.
We also host additional shows and workshops based on unique themes. TPP facilitates poetry and spoken word workshops for schools, businesses and community groups. Due to the pandemic, all of our events are online.
The Collective
Collective Members: Tanya, Ifrah, Jennifer Alicia, Patrick. Luke, Alyssa, Ian

Purpose Statement
Toronto Poetry Project's purpose is to bring the spoken word art form to diverse audiences and provide a space for a wide range of people to perform original content. We aim to showcase the varied pool of talent in spoken word and highlight to audiences that they too can perform.
Solidarity Commitment
Black Lives Matter. Indigenous Lives Matter. We want Black and Indigenous poets and community members to know that we are here to amplify your work. We are prioritizing Black and Indigenous voices by reserving 60 percent of our performance slots to these communities. In addition, members of Black and Indigenous communities have the option to attend our events free of charge.
To participate in this initiative please email info@torontopoetryslam.com with the subject: TPS B+I TICKET for details.
Volunteer With Us

We love our volunteers
We are always looking for volunteers to provide assistance for a number of roles during our events including:
- Timer
- Scorekeeper
- Door
- Merch-table
Please email us at info@torontopoetryslam.com for more information on how to get involved.